Delegate Lovejoy chief patroned, chief co-patroned, or co-patroned over 60 pieces of successful legislation throughout freshman term (2024 and 2025). He also supported biennial state budgets that included record investments in improving education standards and expanding veteran benefits.
Data Centers
- Delegate Lovejoy has been a leading voice on legislation pertaining to data centers at the state level. He was chief patron on three data center bills during 2024 session, which triggered statewide JLARC study on data centers.
- Delegate Lovejoy stood up to big data by patroning 10 total data center related bills over two legislative sessions.
- He also supported all successful data center legislation in 2025’s legislative session like:
- HB 2084 starts the work of ensuring average rate payers do not subsidize data center power bills
- SB 1449 requires localities to examine noise impacts of data center development on neighborhoods as well as impacts to parks, historic sites and agricultural resources, and
- SB 1047 creates demand response programs within the Dept. of Energy to evaluate & assess benefits, and recommendations.
Improving and Expanding Education Standards
- Ian believes it is vital we are putting our children in the best positions to learn in order to have a future filled with success. This starts with ensuring children are eating healthy, expanding education options, and keeping children safe.
- Delegate Lovejoy was proud to co-patron and support:
- HB 1007/HB 1473: Standardizing and mandating fentanyl education for high school students
- HB 1009/HB 1345: Improves workforce development in the Commonwealth by streamlining and standardizing how high school students apply college course credits to general education requirements.
- HB 1910: Sets new health standards for school lunches.
- HB 2452: Requires board of visitor meetings at institutions of higher education to be live streamed.
- HB 2018: Provides more pathways for teacher licensure in technical education fields.
- HB 2051: Requires school superintendents to meet with law enforcement officers on school grounds every year.
- HB 1663: Guidelines, policies, and procedures on the prevention and management of heat illness in student-athletes.
- HB 1783: Establishes career and technical student organizations in public middle & high schools.
- HB 2598: Protects certain rights and confidentialities of homeschooled children.
- SB 908: Measures to raise awareness and to prevent cyberbullying.
- SB 1293: Establishes autism training standards for teachers in Virginia.
- HB 1961: Updates cell phone policies in public education.
- HB 98: Allows students to earn high school credits for their time in JROTC
Campaign Reform
- Delegate Lovejoy is an outspoken advocate against out-of-control campaign spending as Virginia has fewer campaign finance laws than almost any other state
- Co-patroned HB 1686 and supported HB 2165, prohibiting personal use of campaign funds for personal needs
- He also supported multiple initiatives prohibiting synthetic media and the spread of artificial media
- HB 2479 Political campaign advertisements; synthetic media, penalty.
- SB 775 Election offenses; dissemination of artificial audio or artificial visual media, etc., penalty.
Supporting Veterans
- Ian stood with veterans to rectify Virginia Military Survivors & Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP) benefits when Democrat leadership tried to remove them from the budget
- He always votes to support veterans and raise awareness to causes they care about like:
- HB 2748: Requires the Board of Health to provide a copy of a veteran's vital records to the Department of Veterans Services upon the Department's request.
- HB 2736: Provides a comprehensive program developed by the Department of Veterans Services to reduce unemployment among veterans and extends to military spouses.
- SB 1251: DVS shall identify incarcerated veterans and help with their reentry into society
- SJ 250: Designates June 12, in 2025 and in each succeeding year, as Women Veterans Day in Virginia.
Supporting Women and Families
- In 2025, Ian supported a package of bills aimed at supporting and protecting mothers through pregnancy and early childhood
- HB 1727: Establishment of parent and child relationship; persons who committed
sexual assault
- HB 2328: Admission to bail; pregnant persons or persons who have recently given birth.
- HB 2083: Va. Health Benefit Exchange to establish a special enrollment period for pregnant women.
- HB 2235: Treatment of prisoners known to be pregnant.
- HB 2617: Establishes women’s health commission
- HB 1828: Establishes guidelines that ensure breast exams are fully covered by insurance
- HB 1998: Deeming sexual extortion illegal
- HB 27: Promotes and supports placements of children with relatives by local boards of social services in order to avoid foster care.
- SB 854: Requires social media companies to restrict the amount of time children can spend on their apps
Strengthening Healthcare Access and Affordability
Delegate Lovejoy was proud to support the following complementary bills which aim to modernize our healthcare systems and protect our benefits.
- HB 2100: Provides flexibility and fairness for Virginians enrolled in Medicare
Supplement plans
- HB 2099: Introduces critical reforms to the prior authorization process used by health insurance carriers, aiming to remove administrative hurdles that delay patient care.
- SB 843: Remote patient monitoring patients through Medicaid with chronic conditions
- HB 1804: Directs the Department of Medical Assistance Services to seek the necessary approvals from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- HB 2119: Requires the State Health Commissioner to direct the State Health Services Plan Task Force to develop recommendations for areas located in a healthcare desert.
Streamlining Government
- HB 1379: Streamlining reporting dates related to the Department of Environmental Quality
Easing the Cost of Living
- HB 25: Codifies the annual school supply tax holiday into state code.
Helping Small Business
- HB 759: Allows home producers of baked goods, pickles, and other items to be sold unharassed.
Protecting our Communities
- HB 2657: Allows law enforcement to charge drug dealers with manslaughter if product contains fentanyl.